Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Romantic Era: art, music and literature

Just because the title of this era is Romantic, doesn't mean that this era is about love.  It is, however, about passion.  Beethoven is probably the most well-known composer of this era, and his life was full of passion.  As a child, he grew up with his abusive father, who was also a musician, and realized his son's talent early on.  As he grew, it seems that Beethoven used his music as an escape from the trials in his life.  He was known to have a fierce temper and it only grew worse as he progressively lost his hearing.  His last symphony, Symphony #9, was composed after he was completely deaf.  It's been said that he even cut off the legs of his piano, to lay it on the ground so that he could feel the vibrations of the pitches. 

The six characteristics of the Romantic Era were these:
1. The Expression of Personal Feelings
2. Self-Analysis
3. Love of the Fantastic and Exotic
4. Interest in Nature
5. Nationalism and Political Commitment
6. Erotic Love and the Eternal Feminine.

Chopin and Liszt were also composers of this era known for their great virtuosity and sense of nationalism.  Schubert was known for his smaller works, of which there are more than six hundred.  Brahms, most famous for his lullably, uses melody to express Romantic ideals that are easy to listen to while Bruckner's music takes a little more patience.  Verdi and Wagner were known for their operas which are still performed worldwide.  (For a sample of romantic music, please press play on the playlist found at the bottom.)

Revolutionary literature at this time came in the form of poetry, Dickens, transcendentalists, Marx, and Goethe.  Suggestions for some light reading: Poetry by Byron, Shelley, Keats, or Wordsworth.  Any novel by Dickens.  Walden by Thoreau, Moby Dick by Melville, Les Miserables by Hugo, War and Peace by Tolstoy, Leaves of Grass by Whitman, and Faust by Goethe. 

The artists of this era were diverse in their styles, yet held on to the ideals of Romanticism.  Try to see if you can find all the six characteristics in the artworks below.


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